
Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Japanese Pt. 2

Leva Products used to make a set of resin 1/72 Japanese Infantry Equipment. This set contained lots of fiddly little resin bits that could be added to figures to make specialists, or to just jazz things up a bit. To add to the fun, none of the equipment was identified or came with assemble instructions.

Some Esci Japanese Infantry. The one on the right has gotten a resin Type 100 flamethrower.
As having flamethrower equipped stands are often useful in CD, I based these guys up as a stand of engineers that could be attached as needed.

The rear view showing the distinctive three cylinders of the Type 100.  
The infantry weapons set also included a Type 97 20mm Anti Tank Rifle. The Type 97 has both AP and HE rounds, so the CD3 stats of not letting Type 97 stands fire on infantry  is wrong. My house rule is either to give it a 'P', or a 'P+1' rating, to reflect actual usage. As with all house rules this is subject to negotiation, thus there being two 'P' ratings.
Gunner is a converted Matchbox Japanese Infantryman.
Number Two is a Esci Japanese Infantryman.
Leva also included two Model 93 13mm Machine Guns. One of mine is currently awaiting repairs, and the remaining one has not yet been fitted out with crew.
This stand has got its P+1 rating, but is sadly lacking a crew.
One of the real gems in the set is the Model 94 90mm Mortar. 

Model 94 Mortars. Crew are (left to right) Hong Kong knock off, Esci, Unknown, Airfix.

Rear view of same, the mounted stands behind are for another day.
Also included in the set are some Model 11 37mm Infantry Guns. I enjoy fielding these as they add more variety into a force.
Model 11 37mm Infantry Guns. Crews are a mix of the usual suspects.
Under CD, the Japanese have a great deal of manpacked support weapons, which allows them to move rapidly into position on wargames tables with vehicle  unfriendly terrain.


  1. Nice one mate, we have a few sensible house rules for CD also

  2. What type of house rules do you have Al?

  3. Great infantry collection
    Nice ad hoc mix of sources
