
Thursday, 22 March 2012

Airfix Bedford MK Tactical Refueler

So I decided to build up one of the kits from the Christmas haul. The one I chose to make up  was the Airfix Tactical Refueler kit given to me by my friend Steve for use in Harad. It is a rather nice kit which goes together quite well. The only difficulty with the kit is that the cab and windows are cast in a single piece of transparent plastic. This meant that I couldn't just assemble the kit, spray it in grey primer, and then paint it up - or did it?
Dulux Grey Primer. A simple solution for a simple man.
 I remembered that I had been given previously by my clever wife, a masking solution that I had never used. All needed to do was paint it on the window sections of the cab, and then spray it grey. So I did.
The blue bits on the cab are dried sections of Micro Mask.
So now the whole truck was ready for undercoating. Of course, at this stage the whole thing could still turn to custard..... in which case Plan 'B' was to paint the window sections black and never discuss the matter again.
Front view of tanker sans cab.

Side view of primed tanker sans cab.

Primed cab sans tanker.
After waiting for the primer to dry, I took everything back inside to paint with Vallejo Model Colour 70819 Iraqi Sand, as everything for Harad seems to get painted.

The primed and painted cab.
The removal of the Micro Mask.
 The removal of the Micro Mask went well. I still had to touch up a few sections, but it was still less work than having to hand paint everything carefully, and resulted in an acceptable finished product.

The finished truck, after getting the traditional Devan Mud wash.
Another view of the same, note that I have completely forgotten to put on any of the supplied transfers.

Another view of the truck sans transfers.

The view from above.
So, i now have another completed logistics element for my Haradian CD3 forces. The real vehicle was designed to act as a support element for advanced airbases - refueling helicopters and Harriers, but I wonder if I could fudge using it as a refueling vehicle for ground forces? Given the knowledge base of those who look at this blog, I would be very interested in their opinions.


  1. Replies
    1. Opps! I should have mentioned that! It is a 1/76 scale kit.

  2. Great work. Of course it can support the ground troops. Its your army and you can bloomin make it what you want. I have a Merc 2228 that is used in the same capacity.

    Model on.
