
Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Alternate paint scheme for Kubelwagen.

The Kubelwagen is a familiar sight to many WW2 gamers, either as a valuable and useful piece of transport, or as opportunity to demonstrate Allied firepower. Many manufacturers have made Kubelwagens over the years, and I have acquired a number both brand new and secondhand, in various conditions over the years.
Hello Kitty Kubelwagen - two icons meet at last.

I am unsure of the manufacturer of this Kubel, possibly Nitto or Eidai.

I still haven't decided if I am going to give it white wall tyres or not.
Inspiration for this paint job came from reading the comments on this post over at Plastic Warrior. Iwasn't going to paint up a halftrack or tank this way, but I did have a very small Kubelwagen that I was prepared to use to test this paint scheme out. Regular service will shortly resume.


  1. Good grief, you might as well white wall them.

    Probably quite useful in a desert setting around twilight or dusk.

    Secretly impressed.

  2. I do believe I have one of those kubelwagens among my several military volkswagen types. This one looks quite a bit different from the others (more strains of the Sesame Street jingle...). Horrible looking vehicle. The Hello Kitty scheme brings a certain levity to the thing.

    A certain amusingly post-modernist intertextuality and/or carnivalesque in armies is all to the good, lest we take it much too seriously... You might recall Snoopy as Roman Legionary in a certain local wargamer's army... :)

  3. I think Hello Kitty needs a toothbrush mustache...

  4. Great stuff Brian. Are you doing a whole Panzer Division in this paint scheme?

  5. LMAO ---- this really made me chuckle... Shouldn't it be 'Achtung! Kitty' :D

    1. 'Achtung! Kitty' would have been a brilliant title for the post, especially if I had added the toothbrush mustache.... As for painting an entire division in this paint scheme, I think I may paint up a few more odds and ends as time goes by in either this scheme or that of 'Disco Fever'.
