
Sunday, 22 July 2012

Recent Purchases

Quite recently Glenn made me aware of a couple of Star Wars Micro Machine auctions on a local internet auction site. While the ones he pointed out to me were cool, it was some others from the same seller that tempted me into parting with money.

Some useful bits and pieces.

 The first lot was purchased due to having a Tauntaun included. This means I can field four stands of Rebel cavalry in my Rebel Hoth army. The other figures are not quite as immediately useful, but are still welcome additions to my collection.

Bargain! - Imperial Forces lot.

The second lot was of a great deal of interest as it is made up of Imperial forces, and was a real bargain at NZ$10. While you can still pick up sets of Imperial Officers online for around NZ$7, plus freight, sets of Stormtroopers are hovering around the NZ$25 mark. This makes picking up a lot of 5 Stormtroopers (half a set), and 6 Imperial Officers (two thirds of a set) quite a bargain.


  1. nice buy, this is going to be a cool force to field

  2. nice pick up there, I got a question what manufacturer are the 120 towed mortar and ZSU23 that Frank uses?

    1. The ZSU 23-2 kit is an ACE model. Frank was rather unimpressed with it and has said the next 23mm will be a metal one. The 120mm mortar is a metal piece from S&S models (I think) I will confirm that with Frank next time I see him.

    2. Thanks! My force so far consists of ten
      T72,two BTR80, six BTR60PB, two BTR60P,
      two ZIL 131 truck,two Ural 375A Command
      truck, two ZIL 131 command trucks, two
      BDRM2,Two Chinese HUMVEE, three Chinese
      LAV, four pick up trucks, one BMP2, two
      BMP1,and troops from Esci,Orion and the
      very nice metal figures from Stan Johansen.

    3. and I forgot to add two BM21 rocket launchers...gotta have my artillery!

    4. Sounds like quite a formidable force!

    5. The T72s are 1/87th scale and look a bit small next to the 1/72nd scale BTR60s and such, but I think I can live with it...)

  3. I broke down and ordered 1 BMP1, 3 T55 tanks,10 T72 tanks, 2 BTR50s, and 2 DS30 122mm Howitzers all in 1/72nd scale.
    I'll use the 1/87th scale T72s for another project.

    1. That's quite a bit of armour! I can't wait to see the finished result!

    2. the pink panzer brigade is on hold until the last item comes in the post, in the mean time I'll be working on the 1/87th scale T-72s along with their support units.
