
Sunday, 9 June 2013

Another Parcel from the UK!

Early Saturday morning a package arrived for me, containing my order from Model Hobbies. inside the box was my order of two packets of  "British Infantry of the 1970s" by A Call to Arms (PSR link here), and two packets of the Revell reissue of the Matchbox "Nato Paratroopers" (PSR link here), which now go by the more accurate title of "British Paratroopers (Falklands War)".

A freshly opened parcel full of new toys!

The box art.  The Revell one seems to show a FRS 1 Harrier conducting ground support, with the Paras  engaged in a fire fight -  quite a change from the old box art!

 The Revell figures have been reissued in the same dark green that they have used for a number of their modern sets. I may have to purchase another set of the Revell  "German Armoured Infantry" (PSR link here), so that I can loot it for Milans. All of the CD ToEs that I have give at least one Milan stand in the support company.

I have waited for some time for these to be reissued.

Lots of SLRs!

As has been pointed out over at Small Scale World, the new A Call To Arms figures are actually quite old, having previously  - in a larger form - been produced as Britains soldiers. (See links here, and here for more information)

My collection of the aforementioned figures - no rare ones though!
I was lucky enough to have the first of these purchased for me as a child by Sister Declan, and the rest I have acquired in my normal packrat style over the last ten years. I never acquired any of the marines that were listed in the Britains catalogue at the time as I have never had any cross my path!

Still I figured it was worth while digging them out for a comparison shot with their newer (and smaller) incarnations!
Nice figures regardless of the scale!

Now that these figures have arrived, I can begin the process of making up  the Argentinean army and air force units needed for the Goose Green scenario. Of course, once I have done that i can start making up the forces needed to do some of the other battles...


  1. Looks like this little lot will keep you out of trouble for a while!!

    1. Hopefully! - but if it doesn't can I just keep getting toys until I start being quiet?

  2. You lucky sod Brian, I am still waiting for mine. I hope the plastic on the Revell poses is a little harder than the old Matchbox type.

    1. It seems slightly harder , about the same as the other Revell moderns.

  3. Very cool. I especially like the comparison shot with the 54mm version.

    1. Thanks Sean! I figured since I had both sets of figures I should put both in the same picture.

  4. Nice, can't wait for my own to arrive!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. So how many of yours will end up as Royal Marines?

      (I deleted the first comment as I had forgotten to put the word "many" in the comment and it made no sense)

    3. lol mate, in the end only x1 unit :)
