
Monday, 3 June 2013

The weekend that was.

Elephant plus milliput  equals logistic element!

I have managed to get a bit of modelling and painting done over the long weekend - so i should be posting some of that over the next few days. I also took part in a large game of Axis and Allies 1940, using both the Pacific and Europe sets. I found that to be quite an interesting experience, but a very time consuming one. I lso had the opportunity to inspect the new Axis and Allies 1914 board game. The pieces are very nice, but I am not sure when I would get time to play it. Hobby time is a valuable commodity and I generally pefer tabletop wargames to board games these days.

I have also made up a pack elephant stand for Harad games. The Elephant is from the Hat reissue of the  Airfix Tarzan set. The figure next to him is from the Mars Mujahideen set.

Currently I am eagerly expecting in the mail a number of items, in particular the Horrible History figures that I won in a competition over at Small Scale World (for details click here). I won one of the runner up prize packs, and will post pictures of them once I get my hands on them.

Recently arrived is this Matchbox Battle Kings K-110 recovery Vehicle my wife bought me.
I also after seeing the reviews, conversions and painted figures of the new British Infantry of the 1970s from A Call To Arms on a number of blogs (see here for the review from Small Scale World, here for some nice Royal Marines from 20th Century Wargames, and here and here for some conversions and Scots Guards from over at Plastic Warriors), I decided to order a couple of packets along with a couple of packets of the reissued Matchbox Paratroopers from an outfit called Model Hobbies in the UK. Once these arrive I will start converting the figures I need to make up my Argentinians for the Goose Green scenario.

It is quite a big beast.

It is of the same truck design as the Battle Kings Tank Transporter .

The business end of the tow truck.

Matchbox produced a number of vehicles that never were throughout their ranges. Some of these were loosely based on prototypes or preproduction concept art. Many of these toys then provided inspiration for UK comic book illustrators, the best know example being that of the Adventure 2000 Raider Command providing inspiration for Judge Dredd's transport through the Cursed Earth (click here for more info)


  1. Look forward to seeing pictures of the finished truck Brian, would be keen to see pictures from 1914 A & A board game if you took any too?

    1. Hi Al,
      Sorry I didn't take any pictures,but Boardgame geek does have some:

    2. Will check it out, thanks mate

  2. very cool stuff! the Brits look great! though that may be a bias on my part. great stuff. More stuff??? I guess this is a case of you can never have enough because that is quite a large collection you have there... and that's just looking at the picture at the top of your blog, though how much of that survived the quakes?

    anyway great stuff and long live Harad! especially when they have so much military strength.

    1. Hi Gowan, I was very lucky and the vast majority of my collect survived the quakes or only needed minor repairs. As for getting more stuff, well guilty as charged -but in my defense I do try and do it on the cheap!

  3. I placed the same order myself Brian. Good thinking!

    1. Great minds think alike! They are very nice figures that have a great deal of potential uses.
