
Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Harriers and other loot...

Three box scale Corgi GR3 Harriers and a Matchbox Skyhawk. In the rear  is an unassembled 1/144 scale Academy FRS 1 Harrier kit.

Recently I have started a new job, and have been having fun sorting out the joys a new role can bring. On the plus side I have more money for toys, on the negative side I will have less time to spend playing with them! Still, that just means I have to use the hobby time wisely...

And a ruler for scale - it works at at around 1:120ish.

I am still slowly converting and painting up my Falklands forces, and I am still even more slowly working on other projects. I am very fortunate that when Katherine returned from her trip over to her parents in PA, she brought me back a small pile of loot (in addition to the Corgi harriers)....

Books and yet more 1/144 scale kits... 

20mm Soviet Cossacks - a little extra for the modern hordes!
Plus she lugged back a large fleet of 1/1800 scale War AT Sea miniatures (but more on those in a future post). I am very lucky to have a wife who is actively supportive of my hobby!


  1. Wow!!! Sounds like you are indeed a very lucky husband Brian! Great to meet you on Sunday too, always good to put a face to the name.

    1. Good to meet you too Rodger - sorry the spam folder ate your comment!

  2. Nice looking kits and GR3's Brian. They will work a treat I suspect.

    1. Yep - a little bigger than i had hoped, but already painted in the right scheme and they are the right model of Harrier.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Al - it looks like you have been doing nicely on the acquisitions front too!

  4. You are a very lucky man.

  5. Far out! You are indeed very fortunate in your choice of spouse, Brian. As am I. Karen is a bit diffident about buying me wargamery stuff, but the occasional useful tool (vice and soldering iron) has been welcome. Returning from a trip to Queensland to visit our daughter, now resident there, she brought back 'Voices from Trafalgar', several photos from the Mediaeval Festival (a big deal at this time of the year, apparently, and a book of games from 800-1800.

    Only problem: finding someone to play 'Hnefatafl' with. But now I know whence Terry Pratchett got his idea for the game 'Thud'.

    Finally, congratulations on your new job!

    1. Thanks Ion,
      I guess we are both lucky men!

  6. A very lucky man! Great to meet you and put a face to the name last weekend too.

    1. Good to me you too Rodger! and i shall check the spam folder more vigorously in future!
