
Monday, 30 March 2015

Airfix British M119 105mm Light Field Guns

Recently I finished off some three of the JB Models/Airfix 105mm guns. Like all the JB Model kits they were quite straightforward to make and  were flash free.

20mm Wartime Miniature included for scale.

Originally I acquired a single gun for use in building up the forces I needed to run the Goose Green scenario from one of the old GDW Command Posts, (click here to see the rest of the British land forces for that scenario) , but I increased my holdings by two more as I like the model so much, and I was trying to be able to represent more of the five batteries of L118 light guns that were deployed there.

Gun in lower elevation. 

I have opted for a generic paint and basing scheme that allows me to use the guns to represent multiple users in different campaigns, although these will primarily be used to represent either British or NZ Army guns. If I had more I would consider doing one in transit mode.

Two guns top and tail.

Unfortunately I  have recently discovered that Airfix no longer produces the kits - which is frustrating as I need to base up six for use as teaching aids! I have contacted a number of online and brick and mortar stores and been very unsuccessful in tracking more down. I am kicking myself for not buying more at the time!


  1. Nice one Brian. I will keep my ear to the ground for more...

    1. Thanks Paul! Are you still looking for a Comet road wheel? as I may have a few spare...

  2. Very nice models, and I can see why you'd want more. From what I( can see, though, they might be scratch-buildable.... Maybe...

    1. Thanks Ion, and yes I believe they might be:)

  3. Same here. Why would they buy a kit, then stop producing?

    1. Hi Al,
      It's quite strange, all the JB models kits seem to be discontinued, so did Airfix only get a licence to produce for so long? Or were the sales not strong enough?

  4. Brian, you know about this kit?

  5. Hi Frank,
    I had seen it mentioned on PSR, but haven't encountered on yet. I have been tempted to get a couple as the range has some very useful figures, but I haven't yet.
    Fortunately I have managed to track down some more JB Models light gun kits, so I will be able to produce six more guns.
