
Monday, 27 January 2014

The Old Red Barn - a rural BUA for AWI Volley & Bayonet

Recently I finished work on another BUA for use in AWI Volley and Bayonet games. I decided to build one with a barn for the major building and put a drying shed (or corn crib) and some fencing on the rest of the base.

Some Airfix AWI French mill around the barn.

Two regiments of French garrison the BUA.
I went with a traditional red colour for the barn as when researching the colour of AWI gun carriages it had been suggested that red was a very common colour  available due to its use on barns. The other factor was than I wanted a structure that looked used and well maintained, rather than rundown and abandoned.

The drying shed and a broken fence. I dropped the building just prior to taking the photos.

The rear view. I cunningly replaced the rear part of the barn with flat matchsticks.

I used as the basis of my construction a Plasticville HO scale barn that I purchased second hand when I was in PA last year. I also managed to pick up a boxed set that I will probably make up straight from the box for use in ACW games.

The box showing how the barn should be made.

Defended BUA and lift out section with drying shed.

Next up is the V&B 18 Century Industrial BUA.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Al! I am slowly rebuilding up my collection of buildings.

  2. Beautiful barn and the base with the fences add the right touch for an excellent piece of terrain ! I like !

    1. Thanks Sam! I like the visual effect of having defending troops have a wall or fence to defend behind.

  3. For readers of H.P. Lovecraft, this is what a gambrel roof looks like. A really nice terrain piece, Brian - it could represent a substantial farmstead, I reckon, as much as a rural hamlet or village. Enclosed orchards and house paddocks would have much the same effect as buildings like barns, homestead, stables and assorted other outbuildings.

    1. Thanks Ion! Now I'm thinking of Lovecraftian horrors in an 18th century context. That would be an interesting game....Shoggoths and Bayonets?

  4. Great looking barn there. I have the same kit somewhere in Box, hopefully one day it will look as good as yours.

    1. Thanks Jacko! It is a nice kit, and judging from what I have seen on your blog I am sure your efforts will outshine mine!
