
Tuesday, 28 January 2014

The Big Red Brick Factory - a manufactorium themed BUA for Volley and Bayonet

As promised in the last post, this one will feature an industrial themed BUA. The original plan was for this BUA to represent a nice red brick church, but having been playing a little bit of Total War: Empire lately, I decided to go with something else, something more industrial.

A stand of Airfix French troops  stand guard.

I also thought that having a nice cannon foundry on the table top would be a nice homage to RTS computer games that I have played over the years that have players stick factories down on the virtual battlefield.

The view from above - I was very tempted to add smoke coming out of the stack using pillow stuffing.

The rear view.

I did some basic research on what 18th century factories and foundries looked like, and on the processes used to create cannon. Given the constraints of the 4 inch by 6 inch BUA template, and my desire to have a 3 inch by 3 inch lift off section, I tried to create something that gave the suggestion of a 18th century foundry, rather than a detailed model of one.

The front yard, complete with conical furnace.

The cone also makes a convenient handle.

I still have a number of BUAs to finish for V&B, but I have also been working on making various teeth and tail elements for my 18th century forces. Hopefully I should have enough finished soon to be able to make a posting about them.


  1. another excellent building !
    home-made ?
    What did you use for the door of the chimney ?
    I like the idea of the removable base !

    1. Thanks Sam! the brick pattern was laser cut into mdf, and then the gables and walls were cut out. The door of the furnace was made out of a box like bit of plastic, which then had plastic card put on it. all of this was made by me - even the laser cut bits.

  2. I am very impressed with these BUAs you have been making Brian! Great work.

    1. Thanks Rodger! I am inspired by seeing the work made by the likes of yourself and Adrian.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Jacksarge! It was one of those ideas that just seemed to come together perfectly!

  4. I was very curious about this sort of thing when you mentioned it the other day. I reckon your impressionistic approach is really on the money - it works very well for V-and-B, and the piece can be used with other rule set designs as well. This one I may nick for my Army Men project (I needs an airfield, too).

    1. Thanks Ion, I thought I had replied to all the comments here - but hadn't - opps! I have been thinking about airfields since you mentioned it the other day. I may have to build one, since clearly some are needed!
