
Monday, 3 February 2014

18th Century Teeth and Tail Round Up!

I'm been painting up some more bits and pieces for my AWI Volley and Bayonet forces - a project which is probably going to morph into something much larger no doubt - and have been attempting to finish items that are sitting on my work bench.

Some field works from an Italeri set.
An Airfix Hessian Jager Amusette - a view of the business end.

And the view from behind.
Currently these Jagers are amongst the very few stands of AWI Airfix that I have painted from bare plastic. (Click here for the previous post on these)So far I have been able to produce stands by refurbishing figures painted by others. On that note I would like to thank Geoff (via Glenn) for providing the figures for the below stand. All I needed to do was touch up the very nice existing paint job, wash them, and then base them. Easy!

Another stand of Airfix AWI for V&B!

The same stand, but from behind.
So that's the teeth part of the round up done, now on for the tail! First up I have a canoe from Nexus reissue of the Atlantic "Davy Crockett" set. (As always here is the link for the review from PSR). The set contains a number of very useful items for making up logistic and transport stands for both 18th and 19th century North American games.

A trapper in a small canoe.  I have another to paint up.

Another view of the canoe. This will be dwarfed by the big canoes from BUM.
 And of course I have more wagons. First up are an Airfix wagon that I got from Glenn. I replaced the team of small horses with two from the Revell Thirty Years War Artillery set. The second is a rather cart like wagon from one of the ranches in the Bum Wild West Town range. It has gained a driver from the Airfix Wagon set, and a horse from the French Artillery set.

Wagons? Or a wagon and a cart?
 I am also trying to make up my stockpile of Conestoga wagons before I start on my other wagons. The reason being that they are the most 18th century American wagon I have, and I figure I should make them up before I start on the others. So I finished the one I had started on here - and this time I managed to put the driver/rider in the correct place!

Another completed Conestoga Wagon., and the one I made previously....

Two more Conestoga await construction..... 
 And naturally, I have started another project before I have finished any of the others, but I have managed to have a cull of surplus items (look here for such items) - or use the shiney new tab at the top!

New stuff via Glenn - Alexander and some friends...


  1. Very cool looking terrain and bases. I managed to pick up some Airfix AWI the other day, I don't think I have painted any since the 80's.

    1. Thanks Jacko! Are you planning on using them for your 18th Century imagination? I am very interested in seeing what you do with that project.

  2. Good progress Brian. I like the trapper best!

    1. Thanks Paul! Atlantic stuff certainly has a certain charm, but their Wild West range had some outstanding figures in it.

  3. Very nice Brian! These wagons will look fantastic on the games table!

    1. Thanks Rodger! Just a few more things to finish off but I hope to have them on a table soon.

  4. Nicely done, love these units!

    1. Thanks Phil! I still have to add a driver to one, but I am quite pleased with how they have turned out.

  5. Some excellent stuff there !!
    the wagons are really good and the use of other horses is excellent.
    The Atlantic canoe and trapper is nice even if it's very small. (almost unusable with the other canoes in this scale !)

  6. Thanks Sam! Wagons are like trucks - you can never have too many! The canoe is very small compared to the big ones in the various BUM sets, but actually works quite well compared to the ones in the Imex sets.

  7. Your latest postings slipped under the radar, Brian - must have been at a time of heavy blog traffic and disappeared off the front page when i wasn't looking. Lots of really useful stuff there, right unto Nathaniel Bumppo paddling around the wilds of North East America, enraging the Huron and decimating the deer...

    1. Yeah, I'm having fun rediscovering and painting bits of my collection!
