
About Me

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I wargame in 20mm, primarily using Command Decision 3, but have been tempted into other systems. I have a tendency to adapt CD to suit other periods with varied results! I take awful pictures and am at best an average modeller and painter, but hopefully quantity will have a quality all of its own.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Haradi Agitprop

"From the late 1950s, right through to the last days of the empire, the Imperial Ministry of Information produced material, such as short films, designed to portray the Imperial government in the best light to both foreign and domestic audiences. Not all of this material was subtle, and indeed some of it belonged firmly in the realms of fiction." - P.K. Brewer, A Short History of Harad, London, 2007.

I have been playing around with making movies again. This time I used pictures taken during a game with Frank to create a nice piece of propaganda. Friday is my last day of work for 2012, the next week will be taken up with frantically completing job applications, but after that I should have a few days before Christmas to spend on gaming projects! After all, it's that, or deal to the jungle that is the lawn!


  1. Definitely choose the figures over the lawn, I would! I love the propaganda video, the rebel mortars "shelling civilians" was a classic touch. I'm Sorry to hear about your job though, I hope you get the right work soon, good luck!

    1. Thanks Ben! I concur regarding figures before lawns, and thanks for your good wishes on the job front!

  2. Great little film. Reminds me, I need to get back to video battle reports.

    1. I plan to film a game soon, but I expect that some opponents may find the end result not matching their remembrance of the game!

  3. That was just charming, Brian. Let's see. My camera can take movies... I wonder if...?? Best of luck with your job applications. Hope there is a local successful one.

    1. Sounds good Ion - we should catch up again soon!

  4. Yet another highly entertaining post!

    1. Thank you! Hopefully the next film I make will be equally entertaining!

  5. very nicely done! best of luck in the new year!

    1. Thanks Don! I hope 2013 is a good one for you too!
