A while back I decided that I needed a Panhard AML 90 (click
here for details on on vehicle), and that I didn't want to track down a plastic kit or resin model of one. Rather I wanted to see if I could produce a suitable proxy from my bits bin.
Picture sourced from E-bay of a much nicer toy than I used as the basis for conversion. |
I started with a rather play worn Corgi Daimler Dingo armoured car, which I roughly cut the sides down on.
Corgi Dingo sans sides and crew. |
I added an Airfix Sheridan turret, and added the barrel from a Roco Tiger II. I then added a figure from a Hawesaga kit to act as the vehicle commander.
The proxy takes form. |
The paint scheme is loosely based on a vehicle on display at Bovington (click
here to see pictures)
And now painted and washed! |
The business end. |
This should serve as a suitable proxy until I decide to replace it with an actual model of an AML 90. Should I do that then this proxy model will be used in Harad games.
Side view. |
The view from the other side. |
Given the way Command Decision treats vehicles (one model represents 3-5 actual vehicles) I shouldn't need more than one AML-90 for the Falklands, as their battlefield use was quite limited.
A view from above. |
On an unrelated note I am currently looking for a rules system similar in approach to Megablitz, but for modern (read 1970s-1980s) forces. I had an idea that I could use such a system to fight the larger actions of Harad's civil war, and use CD for fighting the smaller ones.Should anyone have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments. Of course it may well be that Megablitz is perfect for what I want, in which case I then have to track a copy down!